CESL Asia held its “Sport Fun Day 2018” for the second year yesterday (28 October) with an aim to promote an inclusive society with people from all groups. The key mission of the event is to spread positivity through sports with support from like-minded partners who share the same intention. The event raised a total amount of $160,000 in donations to the MSO to support its disabled sports development and social welfare programs.
The event consisted of Football and Bocce tournaments. More than 200 participants, students and volunteers gathered at the stadium to sweat for a good cause. Through the interaction between all kinds of members in the society including the challenged or underprivileged, it enhanced the challenged group’s confidence in the society with a fulfilled potential, as well as raising the awareness for the integration of all people.
The impact and success of the event were attributed to the generous support of the participating teams, namely Banco Comercial de Macau, BNU, BOC Macau Branch Sports Association, Banco Tai Fung, Be-1, Macau International Airport Co. Ltd., Macau Coca-Cola Beverage Co. Ltd., Ernst & Young, Federation of Macau-China Sport General Associations, Global Communications Advertising & Marketing Ltd., Recreation Club of Finance Services, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Limited, Jorge Neto Valente, Lawyers and Notaries, Jornal Tribuna de Macau, McDonald’s Macau, Macau Daily Times, MGM, Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd., Owen Sports World, Philippine Consulate General - Macau SAR, PricewaterhouseCoopers, SJM Holdings Ltd., The Macau Institution of Engineers, University of Macau and University of Saint Joseph.
As a local enterprise rooted in Macau over the past three decades, CESL Asia has been taking the pivotal role of giving back to the community. CESL Asia believes that education and social investments are the solutions to eliminate the labelling and stereotypes to the disabled groups and to promote the development of a sustainable inclusive community.