Page 15 - Enewsletter22nd
P. 15

CESL Asia brings the Platform to Shanghai

      CESL Asia participates in the first ever China International Import Expo

      While exhibiting its experience  of investing, managing
      and operating its new energy power plants in Portugal,
      we also take  the initiative  to introduce  Spin.Works, a
      partner company offering services and products ranging
      from  the  design of aircraft  and mechanical  autonomous
      systems, image processing, development  of space
      missions, applications for artificial intelligence platforms,
      etc., as well as another successful agricultural business –
      Monte do Pasto that introduced modern and resourceful
      management  resulted  as an  Iberian  Peninsula  leading
      producer and exporter of cattle and a reference in Portugal
      and in the international markets for the highest quality of
      its outdoor cattle breeding and produce.

      We have invited our partners, “Spin.Works” and “Monte    是次上海之行我們亦誠意邀請兩間合作伙伴的行政總
      do Pasto”, from Portugal,  to  participate  in the  expo   裁參展,Monte do Pasto 行政總裁慕智敏女士(CMG)
      and Ms. Clara Moura Guedes, CEO of Monte do Pasto        及Spin.Works行政總裁瓦斯科.皮門塔先生 (VP) 亦
      and Mr. Vasco Pimenta, CEO of Spin.Works went along      有親臨博覽會,以下是他們的會後分享……
      to Shanghai and shared their thoughts with us after the
      This is the even first International Import Expo in       盛世集團作為首屆中國國際進口博覽會的澳門參
      China, as one of the exhibitors in this mega expo,        展商,能夠與置身是次大型展覽,您們有甚麼期
      what is the expectation in participating in the expo?     望?
      CMG: Our expectations were based on the opportunity to    CMG:  我們期望透過是此機會,積極開拓商機,與來
      meet potential buyers of live cattle or meat for Hong Kong   自香港、澳門活牛或肉類的潛在買家會面,為未來簽
      and Macau and to establish contacts for the future when the   署協議建立關係,我們還特別感興趣與來自以色列活
      protocol is signed with China. We also had a special interest   牛和肉類市場的中國籍股東會面。
      on  meeting  the  Chinese  shareholders  of one  of the  main
      players in Israel cattle and meat market.                 VP:  Spin.Works 期望透過參與是次大型展覽,於2019
      VP: Spin.Works expects exposure to actors in the Chinese
      market to lead its entrance in the Chinese market during                                                     12
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