Page 10 - Enewsletter22nd
P. 10

Meet CESL Asia’s 20 years Loyalty Buddies

                   默默耕耘二十載 伴你同行盛世路

                                                   Life is short and how long would you spend in a company?

       As a Macau rooted company, CESL Asia grew from a small   作為一間扎根澳門的企業,盛世集團由一間幾人組成
       scale  company to a corporation with 400 professionals   的公司,發展成現在超過400人的團隊,當中每年都
       today. Each year, CESL  Asia awards the long service     有同事獲得「卓越服務獎」,包括十年、二十年以及
       buddies to acknowledge their 10 years, 20 years and 25   二十五年的服務獎,而讓他們留在公司崗位的原因又
       years contribution. What is the reason for them to stay in   會是甚麼呢?     今天,讓我們專訪在2018年在盛世集
       the company over the years? Today, we interviewed five   團服務滿二十年的其中五位同事,包括四位同年入
       awardees who received the 20 years long service award:   職並於澳門國際機場工作的蔡榮輝  (高級土木主任)、
       Choi Weng Fai (Senior Civil Supervisor), Chong Kuong     庄光民  (泥水技工)、趙滿堂  (土木技工)、梁北勝  (油
       Man (Mason), Chio Mun Tong (Civil Supervisor), Leong     漆技工),一起細說他們多年來機場的點滴及「兄弟
       Pac Seng (Painter)  and  Tang Sao  Vai (Senior Project   情」,以及曾於公司不同大型項目工作的鄧守威  (高
       Manager).  Let’s see  how they  started  their  journey  in   級項目經理),了解他們如何走過二十年的精彩盛世
       CESL Asia……                                              旅途……


                                                                     蔡:  作為一位高級土木技工,我主要的工作是以燒焊

                                                                     庄:  我主要是負責泥水及油漆,整個機場所見到的修

        Four buddies working together for 20 years: (From left to right) Choi   趙:  基本上與其他同事相若,作為一位土木技工,主
        Weng Fai, Leong Pac Seng, Chong Kuong Man, Chio Mun Tong     要負責各項大大小小的修補工作。
        四位在機場共事二十年的兄弟: (由左至右) 蔡榮輝、梁北勝 、庄光
        民 、 趙滿堂                                                      梁:  主要負責所有大樓及所有部件的油漆,但如果其

              Can you talk about your role in CESL Asia?             鄧:  我主要在不同公司營運的項目中,維護設施的保
     Choi                                                            營運者及客戶協調,發揮最大功效,我曾於公司不同
            As a senior  civil  supervisor, my  main  task is welding,
            whereas all the repair works in the airport are our      客戶所在項目工作,如澳門國際機場、澳門半島污水
            responsibilities as well.                      Chong     處理廠、氹仔客運碼頭以及我們剛投入服務的澳門外
            I am a mason and also a painter and all the painting and the
            mason works in the airport are taken care by us.
            As a civil supervisor, we all share the same repair works.

            All the painting jobs within the airport area are my
            responsibility;  we will  back  up each  other  for the
            maintenance and repair work as we have team spirit.

            My main role is to provide the facility management services   Tang
            to our clients for different projects in various locations.  I
            have to coordinate with all related parties onsite in order   Tang Sao Vai worked in different sites for the past 20 years
            to meet the needs of our clients. I have worked in different   鄧守威在過去二十年來於不同大型項目作出貢獻
            sites like Macau International Airport,  Macau Peninsula
    7       Wastewater Treatment Plant, Taipa Ferry Terminal and the
            latest is at the Macau Ferry Terminal.
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