Page 13 - Enewsletter22nd
P. 13

           I am really proud of our company as we were recently the   梁:  我對公司近來獲頒的ISO證書最令我引以自豪,
           pioneer in receiving the ISO certification in the industry,   公司以先驅者身份首獲頒證書,印證我們一直以來的
           which recognizes our devotion over the years. I am so   努力得以肯定。在機場內的危急事情都必先經我們,
           impressed  that  we all  work together  and deal  with the   按ISO的標準我們需在既定時間內處理,而這些年處
           emergencies and the repair works with ISO standard.   理過的大大小小人為及維修事項,都留下深刻印象。

    Tang   In  regarding  the  facilities  management,  there  are   鄧:  其實,關於維護設施或機械,都有既定的步驟以
           established steps and procedure which is relatively rigid.   及較為刻板,對於我來說,過去工作上人與人之間的
           For me, the interaction with our co-workers and clients is   互動,包括曾經共事的同事們及客戶,留下的印象更
           impressive as these are the good memories accumulated   為深刻吧!這都是我在公司長時間在不同的工作項目及
           over the years in various sites.                      客觀的環境下,累積的美好回憶。

                 Can you share any interesting
              stories among you and the buddies?                   你可以分享一下有關你們之間有趣的故事嗎?

           As a team, we worked smoothly together for many years   蔡:  多年來其實與同事們踏實地工作,充滿默契,也
     Choi with chemistry and we are all getting  along well with   覺得工作得心應手。
                                                          Chong  庄:  眨眼二十年了,回想過去多年,我在部門內都平
           Over the years, I have been happy in the department, and   凡開心地過,也許因為每天都能有趣地與兄弟一起在
           when I look back, every day I spent here was a good day   工作中渡過吧。
           with my brothers here.
                                                                 趙:  事實上沒有太多故事可分享,而我本人就比較有
     Chio  Actually I am a talkative and interesting person in my  own   趣吧,因我比較健談及無所不談,每天面對不同的人
           opinion; it is challenging to deal with different people and   及事,雖然極具挑戰性,但要以不同的方式及做法去
 在公司的二十年,有甚麼事令你印象最深刻  matters and we have to figure out the suitable solutions and   應對,也許這就是工作上有趣的部分吧!
           I believe it is the interesting part of our work.
                                                                 梁:  記得有一年,我與幾位兄弟於農曆新年期間留
    Leong As I remembered, I was on duty during Chinese New Year   守,但其中一條位於洗手間的水管爆了,我們馬上處
           some years ago and one of the pipes in the washroom burst   理,但結果大伙兒全都濕了,回想起來也覺得很有
           and we need to repair immediately and we were all wet.   趣。

           Honestly speaking, people said that I am a funny guy and   鄧:  老實說,其他同事都說我比較風趣,可能是自己
           I always believed that my work is full of fun. For me, the   心態比較正面吧,令我覺得每天工作也有趣。在公司
           most interesting story in the company is definitely meeting   最有趣的事應該是認識了我的太太吧!
           my wife here!


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