Page 9 - Enewsletter21th
P. 9




 守護‧我們的城市                                               From Macau Daily

                                                                  From Hoje Macau
 Super typhoon Mangkhut fustigated Macau earlier and our   早前,澳門遭受超強颱風「山竹」正面吹襲,在社  選自今日澳門報
 city  should  be  proud  of  itself!  Private  companies,   會各界攜手下能夠迅速恢復正常生活,我們應引以
 Government authorities and each and every one of us have   為榮!不論在颱風前防災準備、颱風中的救災以及
 made an amazing job before, during and after this powerful   風後重整工作,澳門政府部門、社會各界以及每位
 signal 10 Typhoon.  市民都能各司其職、密切合作,讓澳門能在風災最
 CESL  Asia  is  particularly  proud  of  the  appreciation  and
 supportive messages received from our clients. This is a true
 and heartfelt incentive for everyone in CESL Asia. A collective   盛世集團對於客戶的致謝及支持引以為傲,不僅印
 triumph  of  our  long-time  collaboration  with  like-minded   證了客戶對集團以及全體同事工作的肯定,亦是我
 Clients, business associates and our teams. All with a shared   們與志同道合的客戶、長期合作的企業及全體同事
 sense of duty, service, professionalism and integrity to ensure   上下一心的豐碩成果。憑藉同事們的使命感、專業
 everyone's safety and the highest possible quality of life of   和誠信,集團將繼續確保市民的安全並提升生活質
 those we serve.   素。

 In  30  years  of  our  commitment  to  Macau,  the  city’s  most   過去30年,盛世集團一直堅守崗位,為本澳公營及
 critical public and private infrastructures under our care have   私營的重要基礎建設提供服務;服務從未遭受過嚴
 never suffered a significant disruption of service! Because we   重中斷,只因集團秉持將心比心的理念,為所有持
 all care, everybody wins!  份者達致共贏!

 We are also taking this opportunity to sincerely congratulate   在此,集團藉此機會祝賀澳門特區政府及相關機構
 and thank the Macau Government and local institutions, from   並致以衷心感謝,感謝每一位策劃、後勤支援及前
 the  top  officials  to  every  single  front  line  worker  and   線的政府人員和志願義工的無私奉獻,令澳門社會  From Macau Daily
 volunteers,  for  their  well-planned  prevention,  reaction  and   得以迅速恢復。  選自澳門日報
 restoring measures.

 Finally, we would  like to thank all of the Macau population   最後,我們亦向所有澳門市民表示感謝,風災期間
 for  the  amazing  values  we  together  have  showed  in   大家都能互相支持、守望相助,充分體現澳門人同
 supporting and helping each other at every level.  舟共濟,共渡難關的精神!

 CESL  Asia  will  keep  growing  our  city  because  we  are   盛世集團將繼續致力為我們的社區不斷奉獻,提供
 committed to our people!  更好的服務以共樹我們的城市!

                                                         From Jornal Tribuna de Macau

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