Page 10 - e-newsletter_20th
P. 10

D    ifferent Paths Same Destination

         不一樣的人生,但擁有一樣的發                                                                                展

              e believe that everyone is born equal and in the trust   們相信人人生而平等,確信天生我才必有
        Wthat innate talents are useful. Convinced that once  我 用,也深信智障人士的潛能若得以發掘,
        potentialities of intellectual disabilities are being excavat-  他們必有所成,並貢獻社會。有見及此,盛世
        ed and well developed, they are also able to contribute in   集團於2016年開始聘用殘障人士,透過工作讓
        the community and being successful. Since 2016, CESL   他們得到社會認同。
        Asia has been hiring disabled persons and hoping through
        work, they are able to gain social recognition.        聘用殘疾僱員對於本地企業來說,面對最大的
        As a local enterprise, the biggest challenge in hiring dis-  要多方協助,才能達到成功。本篇採訪了兩位
        abled employees is job matching; although a suitable po-  在集團工作的殘疾僱員、與他們共事的同事們
        sition is available, multi-party assistances are needed to   及提供協助的社工,期望藉此尋找一樣工作環
        achieve success. In this issue, we interviewed with two   境下,發掘他們不一樣的潛能……
        disabled employees, their peers as well as social worker,
        hoping to explore under same working environment, ex-
        cavate their different potentialities.

        A Different CESL Asia Colleague                        不一樣的盛世同事

        Kuong is currently a document management system coor-  樊永光(阿光)是文件管理系統協調員。他早於數
        dinator. He participated in a training program organized   年前參與了一個公營機構舉辦的培訓學習計劃,
        by a public institution years ago, in which he learned and   透過此計劃學習及提升工作技能,適應實際工作
        enhanced working ability, adaptability to the real working   環境以及學習與人相處的技巧,期間他表現出
        environment as well as people. Kuong showed great per-  色,亦累積了一定的工作經驗及與人溝通之道,
        formance, accumulated certain working experiences and   自此,阿光便正式踏入職業旅程,並於2016年
        communication skills; therefore, Kuong started his own   10月加入盛世集團,起初是兼職倉庫協助員,
        career journey and being hired by CESL Asia as a part-  後因工作表現優秀,於數月後正式聘用為全職員
        time document management system Assistant in October   工。
        2016. Kuong has been performing well in the company
        and after few months, he then formally being hired as a
        full-time employee.

                                                   Kuong in working environment
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