Page 11 - e-newsletter_20th
P. 11

ifferent Paths Same Destination   Kuong's job responsibilities are mainly document scan-  阿光的日常工作主要是掃描公司的文件,然後

      ning,  archiving,  packaging  and  organizing  items  in  the   歸檔,最後封箱及整理倉庫所有物品。剛開始
      warehouse. He had a slow start due to unfamiliarity of the   時,由於不熟悉影印機的程序,工作進度相對
      photocopier program, work progress was relatively slow;   較慢;然而,同事都會耐心地講解,提供適當
      however,  colleagues  patiently  explained  and  provided   的協助,令他順利適應及投入工作,提升工作
      suitable assistances in order for him to adapt into his role   效率。除此以外,阿光亦主動表示,除了現時
      quicker with enhanced work efficiency. Kuong also ex-   的工作外,亦可以處理更多電腦文書的整理工
      pressed that in addition to current working tasks, he can   作,有時候發現掃描後文件的狀況不理想,阿
      also handle extra workload in handling the electronic pa-  光亦會主動重新掃描,可見他對工作具責任感
      perwork. Sometimes when he found the condition of the   及其認真的態度。
      scanned documents is not satisfactory, he would actively
      re-scan, which shows that Kuong has a sense of responsi-
      bility as well as brilliant work ethics.

        The working buddies of Documents Control Department      Kuong participated in Staff & Family Gathering last year
        (From left to right: Hin, Kuong, Kit)                    阿光於去年參加公司的員工及家庭聚會

      Colleagues of Kuong – Hin and Kit both expressed that    與阿光共事的同事  –  阿軒及阿杰均表示,阿光
      even  though  Kuong  is  an  introverted  and  reticent  per-  是一個性格較為內向、沉默寡言的人,但對工
      son, he is passionate about work, everyday does his best   作充滿熱誠,每天都會竭盡所能地完成工作,
      to finish the job with even higher standard. For the sake   甚至會想盡辦法超額完成當天的工作,為求盡
      of perfection, he also takes the initiative to remind col-  善盡美,更會主動提點同事工作上需要注意的
      leagues of certain areas needed to be paid extra attention   地方,互補不足。回想最初得知將要與阿光成
      to. Thinking back to the beginning, knowing that Kuong   為同事,開始時也令他們有點緊張,因為大家
      would become their colleague, they were a bit nervous as   都缺乏與殘障人士相處的經驗。經過互相了解
      they were lack of experience in working with intellectu-  後,能與阿光相處融洽,並分享工作甚至生活
      al disabled person; however, after mutual understanding,   中的點滴。
      they are not just getting along with Kuong at work, they
      even share their personal life issues.                   Jimmy於2017年7月加入盛世集團,同時他亦
      Jimmy joined CESL Asia in July 2017, who is a swim-      世界各地,參加各項國際賽事並獲取佳績,在
      ming athlete repeatedly represented Macau Special Olym-  兼顧游泳及工作事業前提下,Jimmy以兼職加
      pics team to participate in many international races with   入盛世大家庭;過去一年來,他熟悉了人事及
      great results. Under the premise of swim and work, Jim-  工作環境後,加上專注認真的工作態度、積極
      my joined CESL Asia family as a part-time and during     有禮的表現,現在是一名人力資源助理。
      past year, after getting familiar with human resources and
      work environment, plus his serious work attitude, positive
      and courteous performances, Jimmy is currently a Human
      Resources Assistant.

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