Page 9 - e-newsletter_20th
P. 9

occupational Training                                                         職業培圳

      First-Aid Knowledges Seminars


      A total of 30 colleagues from Corporate Shared Services attended the “First-Aid”
      Seminars organized by the Macau Red Cross. These seminars aims to provide
      basic information and knowledges on First Aid, promote the awareness for safety
      issues and help preventing accidental injuries in both workplace and daily life.


      ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Internal Auditor Training

      ISO 45001 職業安全衛生管理系統內部稽核員訓練課程
      15  colleagues  from  QAS  and  Operations  attended  the  sessions  of  the  “ISO
      45001 Occupational Health and Safety Internal Auditor Training” organized
      by the British Standards Institution during 19 & 20 April 2018. The existing
      OHSAS 18001 certification acquired by FOCUS (FTES & Dafoo) will have
      to convert to the new ISO 45001 within the next three years. Therefore, this
      trainings provide the key features and user's manual of the new standard, al-
      lows colleagues to work with ISO 45001 internal audit procedure with more
      efficiency by the improvement of occupational health and safety management
      skill at work.
      4月19至20日,十五名來自品質及安全部以及盛世營運技術團隊的同事參與由BSI英國標準協會舉辦的「ISO 45001職業安
      全衛生管理系統內部稽核員訓練課程」。由於盛世集團現有的證書OHSAS 18001需於三年內轉換至新發佈的ISO 45001
      標準要求,此課程提供了新標準的管制重點,令參與者了解當中的基本認知,從而使同事可運用ISO 45001的內部稽核程
     Safety Training:

     Despite organizing monthly safety  tool box  talk with different
     topics, QAS will also coordinate and conduct more safety train-
     ings required by the sites and departments.

     In addition, safety trainings on the use of fire extinguisher had
     been conducted in Galaxy's project site in order to improve the
     fire prevention skills and provide practices in using fire extin-
     同事安排了使用滅火器的安全培訓,藉機讓同事實習使用                                    Previously, QAS teams conducted 2 Elevated Working
     滅火器及增進防火技能。                                                  Platform (EWP) trainings in Galaxy and Airport proj-
                                                                  ect sites, aims to emphasize the importance of using
                                                                  the EWP safely as well as the safety concerns.

                                                                  及安全要求。                                           6
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