Page 15 - e-newsletter_20th
P. 15

Dragon Boat Team

                   CESL Asia Participates in 2018

      Macau International Dragon Boat Race

             龍舟競渡迎端午 盛世出戰龍舟賽

      CESL Asia Dragon Boat Team was established in 2014 and   盛世龍舟隊自2014年成立以來,就不曾缺席任何一
      has been participating in all the mega local boat races since   場澳門本地的大型龍舟賽事,今年,盛世集團龍舟隊
      then. This year, the team also took part in the 2018 Macau   亦繼續出戰2018澳門國際龍舟賽。
      International Dragon Boat Race.
      14 colleagues from different departments formed a paddling   在春寒料峭的晚春到現在炎陽高照的盛夏中,經歷了
      team in early April and undergone tough trainings over the   辛苦的訓練,逐漸熟習划龍舟技巧以及凝聚團體精
      following  months.  The  team  enhanced  and  strengthened   神,為賽事做好準備。
      their skills and stamina as well as the team spirit.
      On 16 June 2018, Nam Van Lake Nautical Center was full   盛世龍舟隊員在同事們及親朋好友的支持及打氣聲
      of drum beats and shouts for the racing teams. CESL Asia   下,齊心協力,擂鼓揮槳,在兩場比賽中發揮出色,
      Dragon  Boat  Team  completed  two  rounds  of  races  with   最後順利完成賽事。
      the support and cheers from our colleagues, families and
      friends.                                                在此,衷心感謝盛世龍舟隊員們不畏艱辛及刻苦訓練
      Thank you for the endeavor and devotion of the teammates   的同事們無懼風雨,為隊員們吶喊助威,展示團結力
      and the claps and cheers from the supporters. The competi-  量。最後,承載着大家的祝福與支持,祝願盛世龍舟
      tion marks the team spirit and the power of unity. We envis-  隊在下次比賽能力爭上游,勇創佳績!
      age our dragon boat team to strive for greater achievements!

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