Page 5 - e-newsletter_17th_CESL Asia
P. 5

CESL Asia Held Cleaning Activity

                                                          After Typhoon "HATO" Destruction

                                                                        盛 世 集團 義 工 隊協 助


                                              Typhoon “Hato”, one of the strongest typhoons for the past few decades,
                                              wrecked Macau while typhoon signal number 10 was hoisted. Macau could
                                              not be resumed to normal within a short time. Nevertheless, the solidarity
                                              of Macau citizens had been triggered by this typhoon. Since street environ-
                                              mental issue became the top-most priority of Macau after typhoon Hato and
                                              as a company rooted in Macao, CESL Asia takes initiatives to rebuild our
                                              city. After ensuring the safety of our staff and their families, we immediate-
                                              ly kick off the rebuilding city activities together with our volunteers from
                                              our Social Investment Team. Led by Mr. Dominic Sio, Director of CESL
        Asia and other management members, over thirty colleagues participated in this cleaning, which showed our dedication
        and willingness in offering a helping hand to rebuild our community.

        On that day, CESL Asia Social Investment Team cleaned the junction of Travessa do Auto Novo and Travessa do Bazar
        Novo. A trash collection point was covered by the innumerable debris and garbage were spread all over several meters
        away. As a result, the junctions between Travessa do Auto Novo and Travessa do Bazar Novo were completely blocked;
        from vehicles to passerby. Volunteers worked closely together with an aim to remove all the debris. Despite the hot
        weather and bad odor, Social Investment Team had finally cleared the trash. We are pleased to make contribution to-
        gether as a team to our community and the volunteers strengthened the communication and friendship among each other
        through these rebuilding activities of our community.

        處理的要題,  盛世集團作為植根澳門多年的企業,不忍卒睹,在先確保員工們及其家人安全後,集團隨即召


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