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EDF and CESL Asia co-organized District Cooling Seminar


        DF (China) Holding Ltd. hosted the “EDF-CESL District
    ECooling Seminar 2018” in Macau on 15 Mar 2018, CESL
    Asia was the co-organizer and honored to participate. During the
    seminar, over 30 professionals from EDF and CESL Asia gathered
    together at Grand Hyatt to discuss and exchange the experience of
    designing, building and operating District Cooling System (DCS).  DF(中國)投資有限公司於3月15日來澳舉辦「區
    Mr. Bernt Andeersson, who has been engaging in the industry  of   參與其中。研討會當天,EDF聯同盛世集團等多達30
    DCS for over 35 years, shared the insight, trends and development   名專業技術人員在君悅酒店一同探討區域供冷系統於
    of the industry to the participants, elaborated the applications fo-  設計、建築及營運的議題,並進行交流和經驗分享。
    cusing  on Northern America, Europe  and  Mainland  China  with
    detailed presentation and discussion with the attendees.  Mr. An-  在區域供冷系統領域超過35年的講師Bernt Andersson
    deersson then shared case studies with the participants for further   先生向與會者闡述區域供冷系統的發展及趨勢,特別
    understanding of the solutions. On the following day, the partici-  是該系統於北美地區及中國內地的應用,並為此進行
    pants together with the representatives of Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-  詳細的介紹及技術研討。隨後,講師更針對各國家的
    tries Ltd., visited the Chiller Plant of MGM Cotai in exchanging   區域供冷系統實例進一步分析,令一眾與會者有更為
    the know-how technique and experience.                       深入透徹的了解。翌日,與會者偕同三菱重工代表人
                                                                 員一行人到達盛世集團新服務客戶  ─  美獅美高梅的
    Through interacting with different parties, CESL Asia team strives   中央空調機房實地探訪及交流。
    for developing innovative and diversified options so as to seek for
    the most suitable solutions for each client and community served.   憑藉與各方的交流互動,盛世集團務求以不懈的學

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