Page 14 - e-newsletter_18th
P. 14

FOCUS Receiving "Excellent Professional Support Award "

               For an outstanding performance during HATO & PakHar



                                                                                   Mr. Choi  Weng Fai, Senior Civil Su-
                                  The “Excellent Profession-                       pervisor, has been working in FOCUS
                                  al Support Award Ceremo-                         since the opening of Macau Interna-
                                  ny” hosted by Administra-        Mr. Chan Tak Cheong   tional Airport. Along these years, Choi
                                  tion  of  Airports, Limited      on behalf of Mr. Choi Weng Fai   showed his professionalism in the civil
                                                                   receiving the award
                                  (ADA) took place at Macau        由陳德祥先生代表領獎      engineering area and he is one of the top
                                  International Airport on 21                      performers in FOCUS team.
                                  November  2017.  FOCUS          蔡榮輝先生為高級土木主任,由澳門國際機場啟用之時
                                  Technical  and Energy Ser-      起便於盛世集團工作,並於機場任職。多年來,他在土
                                  vices,  Limited  (FOCUS)        木工程範疇展現出高度的專業精神,更成為盛世機場團
     was awarded for its outstanding contribution to the airport
     in past years; and especially  during typhoons “Hato” and
     “Pakhar” in August last year, the great effort, devotion, pro-  Mr. Hoi Man Tin, Electrical Supervisor,
     fessionalism and excellence of service of FOCUS team was     has been working in FOCUS and serv-
                                                                  ing Macau International Airport for 18
     credited for the low damage suffered by the airport and for the   years. Being an electrical  expert with
     prompt resumption of airport operation. Mr. Vong Veng Fu,    great knowledge and experiences, he
     General Manager of CESL Asia received the award from Mr.     contributes a lot to the airport electrical
     Patrick Ong, Chief Executive Officer of ADA.                 systems and network maintenance.
     Meanwhile, ADA also presented individual awards given by     已有18年。作為一名電氣專家,他擁有相當豐富的電氣
     Mr. Antonio Barros, Airport Director, to four of our staffs,   相關專業知識及經驗,為機場的電氣系統及網絡系統維
     recognizing their dedication and professionalism.            護貢獻良多。

     澳門機場管理局於2017年11月21日假澳門國際機場向                                                     Terry is a young, enthusiastic and fast
     盛世技術及能源服務有限公司頒發「卓越專業支援獎」                                                        learning  ITCS  Engineer,  who contrib-
     ,以表揚盛世團隊多年來對機場的卓越貢獻;尤其於                                                         utes a lot in the area of ITCS as well as
     2017年8月底兩個強颱風「天鴿」及「帕卡」吹襲澳門                                                      electrical  control  systems. His perfor-
     期間,盛世團隊無懼風雨、堅守崗位,充分展現其專業                                                        mance during the typhoons period in the
     及服務精神,使機場在颱風過後得以迅速恢復運作。獎                                                        past August was very impressive.
     技術及能源服務有限公司總經理黃榮富先生代表接受。                                     梁家祺先生是資訊科技及控制系統工程師,他對工作充
     同時,機場管理有限公司機場總監包祿仕先生亦向表現                                     統控制方面為公司作出巨大貢獻。2017年8月兩個颱風
     傑出的盛世員工頒發獎座,以表揚他們對機場的貢獻及                                     吹襲澳門期間,其傑出的工作表現令人印象深刻。
                                                                  Mr. Lin ZhenYu, Assistant Mechanical
                                                                  Supervisor, joined FOCUS in 2007 and
                                                                  has  been  serving  Macau  International
                                                                  Airport for more than 10 years. His hard
                                                                  work and humble attitude are highly ap-
                                                                  preciated. In addition, he demonstrated
                                                                  great  leadership and professionalism
                                                                  in maintenance of HVAC and Loading
    11                                                            登機橋維修的領域,亦展現了傑出的領導才能及專業精
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