Page 13 - e-newsletter_18th
P. 13


          The Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce VISITED CESL ASIA

      A  delegation of young members of the Tianjin Federation of
      Industry and Commerce, led by Mr. Lou Jie, Vice President
      of Tianjin Federation of Industry & Commerce, visited CESL
      Asia head office on 14 December 2017. Mr. Antonio Trindade,
      the President and CEO of CESL Asia together with Mr. Dom-
      inic Sio, Director of CESL Asia expressed warm welcome to
      the guests. During the visit, Mr. Trindade introduced compa-
      ny history and development to the delegates, shared his per-
      sonal and business experiences, and encouraged the youths to
      start own businesses, be innovative and farsighted in order to
      create business values and promote sustainable development.
      He believes that in order to develop the business, one shall not   商聯副主席婁杰先生帶領下,於2017年12月14日,參
      only take business profits or other traditional performances   觀盛世集團總部。集團董事主席及行政總裁田達德先生
      into consideration, but instead shall encourage others to bring   及董事蕭志偉先生熱情接待該代表團。在此到訪中,田
      in more innovative values to the community; this is the key   達德先生向代表團成員介紹盛世集團的詳細資訊,並分
      for business success.                                    享了公司發展以及個人成長歷程。他鼓勵年輕人應敢於
      During the following luncheon, Mr. Dominic Sio, principal   保其可持續發展。田先生認為要發展企業,不應只考慮
      shareholder and member of CESL Asia Board of Directors,   利潤和其他傳統業務表現作為指標,亦應鼓勵及推動他
      member of the National Committee of Tianjin and Chairman   人為社會帶來更多價值,這樣才是企業的成功之道。
      of Macau Tianjin Friendship Association, delivered a thank
      you speech to all the involved parties and presented the certif-  在其後的午宴上,盛世集團股東及董事會成員、天津市
      icate of completion to the delegates, which marked a perfect   政協委員及澳門天津聯誼會理事長蕭志偉先生致辭,向
      ending for this interchange activity.                    促成此次交流活動的各方機構表示了感謝,並聯同其他

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