Page 16 - enewsletter_15th_CESLAsia
P. 16

Q             How do you see CESL Asia team…


                                                               CESL Asia is well organized, systematic and profes-
                                                               sionally managed. The working environment here is
                                                               just like a production cycle, where each single col-
                                                               league does his/her job well and everybody collabo-
                                                               rates with one another towards the same objectives.
                                                               CESL Asia team works under a harmonious atmo-
                                                               sphere and keeps effective communication internal-

                                                               CESL Asia team “works hard and plays hard”. They
           盛世集團不僅有良好且系統化的組織架構,還                                are diligent, earnest and professional. Apart from the
           有專業的管理模式。這裡的工作環境就好比一                                impression of capableness and productiveness the
           條生產鏈,環環相扣,每一位同事不僅做好自                                team gives us, we can feel their other personal traits
           己的工作,更在共同的理念下與同事合作無                                 outside of the office. During our stay, we explored a
           間,可以感受到盛世團隊在一個和諧的氣氛下                                “Skywalk” with CESL Asia team at Macau Tower, the
           工作,而且保持良好的內部溝通。                                     highest skyscraper in Macau. We all had a great ad-
                                                               venture time together and were surprised that some
           盛世團隊「工作的時候努力認真,  玩樂的時候盡                             of them even volunteered to join us! We strongly felt
           情享樂」。他們勤奮、認真而且專業。除了給                                their warm hospitality, solid team spirit and strong
           我們留下能幹,高效工作的印象外,我們在辦                                internal bonding.
           旅程中,我們與盛世集團團隊到訪本地最高地                                This trip offers a rewarding and amazing experience
           標澳門旅遊塔,一同體驗了刺激冒險的「空中                                of meeting the people with whom we got in touch
           漫步」,而當我們得知有部分同事更是自告奮                                but never meet in person. That strengthens our mu-
           勇地參與,更能充分體現到團隊親切的待客之                                tual understanding, friendship and the bonding be-
           道和堅實的團隊精神及聯結力。                                      tween us, the staff and the two companies.


                     Lantia showed gratitude to CESL  Asia and its team for their hospitabil-
                     ity. In the near future, CESL  Asia looks forward to meeting  more part-
                     ners, guests and friends like Lantia for sharing ideas and experiences.
                                        We wish Lantia every success in their career!

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