Page 15 - enewsletter_16th_CESLAsia
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Shanghai 上海
                                Managing Technical Professionals & Organization (by Sagacity-In-Sight)


          MPS Principal  Executive  Director, Mr. Jorge  Rosa,   盛世集團旗下的澳門專業顧問有限公司首席行政
          and the Executive Director, Mr. Mario Neves attended   總監羅祖智先生及行政總監李文浩先生於5月23日
          “Managing  Technical  Professionals & Organization”   及24日到上海參加「專業技術人員及組織管理課
          training in Shanghai from 23 to 24 May. This training   程」。是次課程重點講解組織的管理技巧、領導才
          highlighted  management  skill, leadership,  decision   能、決策技能以及如何結合創新科技快速商業化等
          making and the way of rapid commercialization of in-  內容。通過是次課程,管理層與參加者分享專業技
          novative  technologies.  In  this training,  managements   術發展的趨勢,進一步為公司日後的發展路向及人
          shared the insight of development  of professional    才培育作好準備,並繼續帶領公司面對未來各類挑
          techniques with the participants and further equipped   戰。
          themselves for company development as well as talent
          cultivation. The managements will continue to lead us
          to embrace various challenges ahead with unchanging

 o    Hong Kong  香港
                                                                                                     Macau  澳門
 o   Xiamen  廈門
                  Power BI 操作工作坊:
                  利用數據及圖表說故事                                       360°Approach to Problem Solving at Work

         Power BI Hand-on Workshop: Turning                                   360° 工作問題解決技巧
    Your Data, Charts and Diagram into a Storyteller

                                                                   On 25 May, 12 colleagues from different departments
                                                                   received  the  training  of “360°  Approach  to Problem
                                                                   Solving at Work” which held in our headquarter office.
                                                                   Through instructor's explanation, group discussion and
                                                                   case study, the training guided colleagues to solve com-
                                                                   plex  work problems  in  a  systematic,  rational  and  ho-
     On 29 May, a total of 9 colleagues from Financial Control     listic approach, showed how to solve problems timely,
     Department, IT Department and Human Resources Depart-         and  handle  interpersonal  relationship  successfully  by
     ment attended a Power BI workshop in Hong Kong.  During       using different methods and tools to analyse different
     this workshop, colleagues learned basic operations skillset   situations. Most of our colleagues are satisfied with the
     of Power BI which enable data analysis and creation  of       course in regards the training materials and expressed
     stunning reports with charts and diagram so that they are     that it would be helpful in problem solving at work.
     able to disseminate messages in a more effective way, and
     enhance their work efficiency.                           5月25日,盛世集團於總公司舉行了一場「360°工作問
     在5月29日,9名來自財政部,資訊科技和企業系統部                                次培訓。透過導師講解、小組討論及個案研究等形式,
     及人力資源部的同事到香港參與了Power BI操作工作                              引導同事以更系統性、合理及全面的角度看待工作問
     坊。同事在該工作坊學習了Power BI的基本操作,用                              題,並教導運用各種手法及工具分析情況,從而有效和
     以進行資料分析及製作內容豐富的報表,讓日後可更                                  及時地解決問題及處理人際關係。課程後,同事們均表
     有效地傳達訊息,從而提升工作效率。                                        示對該課程內容感到滿意,認為對於解決工作上的問題
                                                              有莫大禆益。                                               12
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