Page 4 - Enewsletter22nd
P. 4

Management toasting at the CESL Asia 30th Anniversary and Christmas Dinner
           From left to right:  Mr. David Kong, Mr. Ricardo  Porto, Mr. Francisco Ricarte,  Mr. Jorge Rosa, Mr. Ricardo Martins, Mr. Jorge Miguel  Campina  Ferreira,  Mr. Dominic  Sio, Mr.  Antonio  Trindade,
           Ms.   Pamela   Chow,   Mr.   Nuno   Kol   de   Carvalho,   Mr.   Kelvin   Leong,   Ms.   Casey   Lo,   Mr.   Fernando   Silva,   Mr.   Mario   Neves
                                             Christmas Dinner
            由左至右: 鄺銳華先生、 潘偉度先生 、 韋嘉達先生、 羅祖智先生、 馬天斯先生、 金銘華先生、 蕭志偉先生、 田達德先生、 周望萍女士、 馬傲倫先生、 梁偉智先生、 羅桂珠女士、 施利樺先生、 李文浩先生

        CESL  Asia held its “30th  Anniversary and Christmas     三十年來攜手共同成長  ─  盛世集團於2018年11月30
        Dinner” on 30 November 2018 at Grand Hyatt Macau.        日假澳門君悅酒店舉辦集團三十週年暨聖誕聯歡晚
        Over 700 guests including staff and families, clients and    宴,超過七百多位的員工及其親友、客戶及嘉賓聚
        business  partners  gathered  to  celebrate  this  significant   首,共同慶賀集團的重要里程碑及節日的來臨。
        milestone - 30 years growing together!

        The dinner was unveiled  by a children's musical         晚宴由小朋友表演的舞台劇揭起序幕,其後由集團董
        performance followed by the welcome speech delivered     事主席及行政總裁田達德先生致辭,他表示盛世集團
        by Mr. Antonio Trindade, the President and CEO of CESL   三十年來為客戶和社區不斷提供優質服務,體現「悉
        Asia. He mentioned that CESL Asia has been providing     心共樹新城市」的承諾,未來亦會與客戶和社區共同
        quality services to our clients and communities for three   成長,開拓發展機遇。同時,在澳門多元化經濟政策
        decades and that we are ready to strengthen even more our   和中國與葡語系國家關係不斷發展的啟發下,「盛世
        commitment to “How to grow a city”, by continuing to     發展平台戰略」日趨成熟,集團在葡萄牙投資興建的
        devote and engage in the society.  He also claimed that the   太陽能光伏發電項目亦迅速發展當中,並在2018年
        “Growing Platform Strategy” of CESL Asia has become      11月初舉行的首屆中國國際進口博覽會中,展示澳門
        more mature and the CPV solar plant project in Portugal   的管理平台及在葡語系國家投資和運營方面的優勢。
        is developing  rapidly.  We have  also showcased our
        management platform in Macau and the unique business
        model  of investments  and  operations  in  Portuguese   藉着慶祝三十週年之際,田達德先生更向一眾與公司
        Speaking  Countries  in  the  first  ever  China  International   同舟共濟的員工表達了由衷的謝意,公司的規模及成
        Import Expo (CIIE) that took place in Shanghai in early   就全賴一班勞苦功高的員工信任和付出,感謝他們選
        November 2018.                                           擇與盛世集團一同揚帆遠航。

        In celebration of the 30th anniversary of CESL Asia, Mr.
        Trindade expressed his sincere gratitude to all staff and
        pointed out that the development  and achievements  we
        have today are attributed  to the trust and contribution
        by the  team  members,  and  emphasized  his  appreciation
    1   towards staff again for being part of CESL Asia.
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