Visit our New Website!
盛世集團全新網站煥新 登場!
Monte do Pasto organized the conference “Planet at the Table”
Monte do Pasto辦
CESL Asia Social Investment Initiative Teen’s Design Contest
「盛世社會發展計劃」 青少年設計比賽
CESL Asia is pleased to launch the new corporate website – www.ceslasia.com. This new website is part of the ongoing evolution of our company and aims to share our vision, our history and sustainable development as a responsible enterprise, with business partners, the clients, employees and our community. We have created a modern design that showcases CESL Asia’s diversified structure and all innovative solutions & products. The new website includes updated, insightful information about our key business areas:
· Architecture, Engineering & Planning Consultant
· Technical & Critical Facilities Management
· Agriculture And Energy Assets
· Sustainable Agriculture
· Sustainable Energy Services
· Assets Management Solution
· Sustainable Food
· Architecture, Engineering & Planning Consultant
· Technical & Critical Facilities Management
· Agriculture And Energy Assets
· Sustainable Agriculture
· Sustainable Energy Services
· Assets Management Solution
· Sustainable Food
You will be inspired by how CESL Asia grows a Macau city and to be a platform between Macau, China, Portugal, Portuguese Speaking Countries and Europe.
盛世集團欣然宣佈企業網站全面煥新並正式亮相— www.ceslasia.com。
· 建築、工程及規劃顧問
· 設施管理及營運
· 農業及能源資產
· 可持續農業
· 可持續能源服務
· 資產管理解決方案
· 可持續食品
Please share this moment with us by visiting us and we’d love to hear your thoughts by getting in touch at www.ceslasia.com .
盛世集團全新企業網站內容精彩豐富, 歡迎大家瀏覽www.ceslasia.com或提供您寶貴的意見!
CESL Asia’s subsidiary, namely Monte do Pasto, is a Portuguese sustainable agriculture company organized the conference "Planet at the Table: Ethical and Sustainable Agriculture” at the 38ª OVIBEJA International Agriculture Fair.
The conference allowed for a moment of reflection on the challenges to implementing ever more sustainable practices that protect animals, regenerate the soil and sequester carbon, through the introduction of technology and innovation in breeding systems and meat packaging and conservation. Opportunities were identified to differentiate and add value in meat products integrating high standards of sustainability and ethics throughout the food system - from “farm to table".
盛世集團位於葡萄牙的子公司Monte do Pasto 農場,是個可持續發展農業品牌。Monte do Pasto於5月參與第38屆OVIBEJA國際農業博覽會,並組織主題為「餐桌上的地球—道德與可持續農業」研討會,探討可持續農業未來發展。
Isabel Ferreira (Portuguese Secretary of State for Regional Development)
葡萄牙國務秘書(區域發展)Isabel Ferreira 女士
At the event, Ms. Isabel Ferreira (Portuguese Secretary of State for Regional Development) highlighted the importance of the agricultural sector in “meeting the needs of many millions of people while promoting healthy diets and sustainability”.
會上葡萄牙國務秘書(區域發展)Isabel Ferreira強調了農業部門應確切考慮,滿足數百萬人的糧食需求的同時,亦要促進健康飲食和兼顧農業的可持續發展。
Clara Moura Guedes (CEO Monte do Pasto)
Monte do Pasto Group 首席執行官慕智敏女士
Ms. Clara Moura Guedes, CEO of Monte do Pasto Group shared the vision of the company and “it’s strong commitment to innovate and surprise consumers, offering products that are both ethical and sustainable, like our True Born Beef”.
Monte do Pasto Group 的首席執行官慕智敏女士分享了公司的願景,致力於創新並持續為消費者帶來驚喜,提供健康和可持續的產品,例如我們引以為傲的 True Born 牛肉。
With the participation of renowned experts and academics linked to the agriculture and livestock sector in Portugal, from breeders and veterinarians to doctors, nutritionists and marketers, the Conference was able to create a positive forward-looking vision for a sector increasingly committed to its transformation and reinvention that ended with a delicious show-cooking of True Born Beef prepared by Chef Pedro Sommer!
研討會氣氛熱烈,葡萄牙農業和畜牧業相關的知名育種專家、獸醫、營養學家、營銷專員和學者們發表寶貴建言,提出創新的農業轉型重塑方案,為可持續農業刻劃出積極的發展藍圖。會議尾聲以大廚 Pedro Sommer悉心準備的True Born Beef Macau 牛肉盛宴作結。
Whether we are walking on the streets in Macau or in one of the many shopping malls, one thing that is perhaps not obvious is that the shops, restaurants, bars, spas, business centers and other venues that we see don’t just happen. They have to be conceived, planned, designed, approved by government authorities, built and then opened.
Macau - Professional Services, Limited (MPS) has a long track record of involvement in such projects. We are a long standing consultancy firm, committed to providing valuable and innovative services to retail developers, including: Statutory Consultancy, Architectural and Interior Design, Site Supervision and Project Management.
Monte do Pasto welcomed Ms. Isabel Ferreira, the Portuguese Secretary of State for Regional Development. During the visit the team was able to present the growth strategy of Monte do Pasto, how it positively impacts the local economy, its premium sustainable beef brand True Born, and its plans to grow internationally through the Focus Platform.
葡萄牙國務秘書(區域發展)Isabel Ferreira女士到訪 Monte do Pasto 農場,團隊向國務秘書介紹農場發展策略如何為當地經濟帶來正面影響、農場旗下優質可持續牛肉品牌True Born,以及透過「盛世平台」拓展國際業務的計劃。
It was also possible to show the two key infrastructures of the innovation project “Ethical Meat - The Integrated Sustainable Meat Production System”, namely the innovative Animal Welfare Park (first in Europe) and the new shading solution that using AgroPV technology allows the dual use of the land for animal husbandry and energy production.
Monte do Pasto leads sustainable cattle breeding in Portugal and its True Born Premium Sustainable Beef brand is already sold in selected stores in Macau.
Monte do Pasto 是葡萄牙可持續牛隻養殖業領軍者,旗下優質可持續牛肉品牌True Born Beef Macau 產品於澳門指定商店有售。
CESL Asia and Macau Youth Art Association co-organized the “CESL Asia Social Investment Initiative (CSII)” Teen’s Design Contest 2022, themed “Sustainable City Mascot”. More than 100 excellent entries were received in the contest.
This contest is part of CESL Asia annual social investment initiative programs and aimed to deepen teens’ understanding of sustainable cities, encourage them to research the relevant concepts and unleash their creativity by designing a lovely, friendly and meaningful mascot.
由盛世集團主辦、澳門青年美術協會協辦的「盛世社會發展計劃」青少年設計比賽2022以 「可持續城市吉祥物」為主題。活動反應非常熱烈,共收到逾百幅優秀作品。
Mascot Name 吉祥物名字 Wan Wan 環環
The mascot’s hair style presents the city's look, matching the lightning bolt decoration on his forehead and the eco-friendly styled scarf around his neck, demonstrating the concept of sustainable development of the city through renewable energy. The lotus flower in his left hand and the earth in his right hand symbolize Macau's vision of connecting with the world, strengthening cooperation and contributing to global environmental protection!
Mascot Name 吉祥物名字
Green City 綠色盛世
The mascot's body is green, representing a green city, full of vitality, while the clothes on his body are white, representing the city without any pollution, wars and other sufferings, people live happily in this harmonious city, and the chest Lights and recycling bottles respectively represent resource recycling with advanced technology. Lightning on the head represents rapid development.
The jury was chaired by Mr. Wong Ka Long (President), Mr. Lai Sio Kit (Director General) and Ms. Julia Lam (Secretary General) from the Macau Youth Art Association shared “this provided an opportunity for teenagers to experiment with technology in the art field. It was fascinating to read students' descriptions of their designs and the meaning of the Mascots they proposed”.
We extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of our supportive sponsors (listed in no particular order): Banco Comercial de Macau, Banco Nacional Ultramarino, Banco Tai Fung, CCK, McDonald’s Macau, MGM and PricewaterhouseCoopers for prizes sponsors, University of Saint Joseph for award ceremony sponsor as well as our media partners Jornal Tribuna de Macau and Macau Daily Times., that contributed to making this project an inspiring edutainment moment for Macau’s children.
CESL Asia Chief Financial Officer Ms. Pamela Chow attended the opening ceremony of the “Dream Sexagenarian Restaurant” on 6 June, a very special restaurant that offers employment to people over sixty as chefs or waiters and was very happy to see the "True Born Beefburger x Beetroot" included in the menu, providing a healthy and nutritious option for the restaurant’s customers.
盛世集團財務總裁周望萍女士於6月6日出席特殊奧運會附屬長者社企「甲子園」餐廳開幕儀式,一家為六十歲以上的長者提供就業機會以擔任廚師和侍應的餐廳。她表示十分高興贈送可持續食材—「True Born紅菜頭牛肉漢堡排」,產品源自盛世集團旗下在葡萄牙阿連特茹區Monte do Pasto農場的優質牛肉,摻合綿密鮮甜的紅菜頭,豐富餐廳菜單多樣性,亦為食饕增添美味而營養健康的選擇。
“Dream Sexagenarian” actively recruits parents and caregivers of MSO students. Being a caregiver makes reconciling daily work and family life a challenge, sometimes also causing significant emotional challenges. With this innovative project, MSO is creating flexible work formats adapted to the caregivers' needs.
We now encourage everyone to support this unique project helping to grow a more harmonious and inclusive community!
Find "Dream Sexagenarian Restaurant" at:
On 7th May, CESL Asia donated 200kg of its Sustainable True Born Beef to “The Corner of Portuguese Cuisine”, a restaurant founded by the Fuhong Society of Macau to provide vocational training for people with disabilities helping them become sufficiently independent and actively integrates in the community.
盛世集團於5月7日向扶康會寶翠中心屬下「葡角」訓練餐廳送上接近二百多公斤的True Born Beef優質可持續牛肉產品。葡角餐廳是一間融合澳葡料理為主的特色餐廳,亦是扶康會對精神康復者提供一站式的餐飲訓練,使他們有機會投身社會。
We are very proud to support this innovative project and to raise awareness around such a positive initiative that is promoting social inclusion.
The Restaurant is open from 12:00 to 14:30 (Mon – Sat), please book a visit at Rua Sul do Patane e Rua do General Ivens Ferraz, 363, 381, 403 Edf. Lei Seng Kok, r/c, Macau and taste the delicious True Born Beef and other dishes cooked together by Chefs and their very special assistants at the restaurant.
葡角餐廳位於澳門沙梨頭南街及飛喇士街363號寶翠花園利星閣地下(筷子基),營業時間為星期一至星期六12:00至14:30。歡迎大家蒞臨品嚐頂級美味True Born牛肉以及其他由餐廳學員悉心烹調的特色美食。