| CESL Asia Xmas Party 2021 盛世集團聖誕派對2021 |
| | Monte do Pasto is developing an Innovation Project for sustainable meat production Monte do Pasto 與埃武拉大學和米尼奧大學合作 研發生產可持續肉類產品的創新項目 |
| | CESL Asia Sport Fun Day 2021 joined 17 entities to reinforce an inclusive culture and equal opportunities for all 盛世之友運動同樂日攜手17間企業共促和諧社區
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CESL Asia Xmas Party is a very special moment in the company's annual life. The 2021 CESL Asia Xmas Party was held on 10th December, it is a positive moment when we celebrate together the results we achieved. Mr. António Trindade, President and CEO of CESL Asia, made a speech to thank our employees for what they have made possible with their commitment and work and being there for our customers, and communities throughout the year. Last year, we highlight the achievement of two Innovation Awards (EuroExcellence in Innovation 2021 award, by the Macau European Chamber of Commerce and 2021 T20 Global Innovation Case) and Monte do Pasto Ethical Meat Innovation Project that was awarded significant European Union funding, which confirms our innovative mindset that has ensured our success over the years. Lastly, Mr. António Trindade expressed determination to reverse climate and other harmful changes with our professional services, products and our leadership that value to sustainability to grow a better quality of life for all of us. 盛世集團於12月10日舉行年度聖誕聯歡派對,公司上下一同慶祝普世歡騰的節日並共享企業成果,渡過美好歡愉的下午時光。 派對由集團董事局主席及行政總裁田達德先生致辭揭開序幕。致辭中,田先生感謝各員工於過去一年緊守崗位,保持專業與熱忱態度為客戶服務和為社區作出貢獻。在2021年,集團榮獲兩項重點創新成就:「澳門歐洲商會創新卓越獎」和「T20全球創新案例」;子公司 Monte do Pasto 的創新可持續肉類項目亦獲得歐盟的高度關注,並給予資助研發項目,印證集團高瞻遠矚的創新思維所帶來的豐碩成果。最後,田達德先生有信心地表示,通過我們的專業服務和可持續產品,定能改善氣候和污染問題,為環境帶來正面影響。帶領團隊創造可持續的未來,為人們建設更好的生活質素。 |
| At the party, CESL Asia recognized and awarded the 21 employees that have been working with us for more than 10 and 20 years. At last, Management pushed the atmosphere to the highest by drawing over 100 prizes. All colleagues were so excited and the party came to the end with endless cheers. 派對當天,盛世集團向21位資深員工頒發十年及二十年卓越服務獎,以表彰員工長期以來對集團的辛勤付出和貢獻。最後,緊張刺激的抽奬環節將現場氣氛推到高峰,一眾管理層合共抽出超過一百份豐富禮品,幸運兒的喜悅互相傳遞,整個派對於始起彼落的歡呼聲中結束。 |
Monte do Pasto, Iberian leader in open-air cattle breeding and producer of True Born premium sustainable beef, is developing an innovation project: Ethical Meat - Integrated System for Sustainable Meat Production - in partnership with top research teams from the Universities of Evora and Minho University, co-financed by the European Union. |
Monte do Pasto農場是伊比利亞露天肉牛繁育行業領軍者,為可持續牛肉品牌True Born Beef的生產商。農場正與埃武拉大學和米尼奧大學的首席專家和研究團隊合作研發運用綜合系統生產健康可持續肉類產品。 |
The project aims to create new knowledge and develop innovative processes, in all phases of the meat production chain - from "farm to plate" in line with the European strategy of creating more sustainable food value chains. It will develop technological solutions for open air cattle breeding focused on animal welfare, sustainability and efficiency, producing meat with higher quality, with an extended shelf life (to ensure less food waste) to be sold in sustainable packaging. |
項目由歐盟資助,旨在於整個肉類生產鏈中(從「農場到餐盤」)尋找和發掘新資訊,從而開發創新完善的流程,以符合歐洲推行「更具可持續性」之食品價值鏈的戰略。 項目將創建技術解決方案,確保露天畜牧業迎來優質發展,包括:兼顧動物福利、可持續性、高效性、延長保質期、可持續包裝、減少食物浪費等要素。 |
In 2021, Monte do Pasto obtained the Low Carbon Livestock Certification awarded by Agricert. This certification confirms that the methodology implemented for its open air breeding activity is sustainable and, in addition to being a carbon neutral activity, is a proven CO2e sink. The certification considers a set of indicators such as: tree density, number of animals, pasture composition, soil care and energy costs, among other. The company also renewed the highest Certification of the Better Life Label (3 stars), awarded by the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) that recognizes international best practices in animal welfare in open air breeding : low stress, balanced nutrition and good health care. And completed the certification process under the NP ISO 9001:2015 standard, an international reference for Quality Management Systems Certification. |
在2021年,Monte do Pasto獲頒Agricert的低碳畜牧業認證。該認證肯定了農場以可持續方式牧養,符合「碳中和」標準,形成「碳匯」吸收二氧化碳。該認證涵概一系列指標如:樹木密度、動物數量、牧場設備和組成、土壤護理和能源成本等。 公司還獲得了由荷蘭動物保護協會 (SPA) 頒發的「Beter Leven(更好生活)」最高3星認證,認可其國際化的露天養殖模式,確保照顧到動物的福利需要:減少壓力、均衡營養和衛生保健等。 此外,還取得國際性NP ISO 9001:2015品質管理系統認證。 |
For Monte do Pasto investing in its 4 strategic pillars: Quality, Sustainability, Animal Welfare affirms its commitment to growing more sustainable food systems, positively impacting its natural ecosystem, animals and communities. Monte do Pasto貫徹四項支柱戰略:質量、可持續性、動物福利的承諾以打造更可持續的食品系統、保護動物和自然生態系統,為社區帶來積極正面影響。 |
CESL Asia welcomes the launch of the first Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform – Macau Plaza carried out by the Macau Cross-border e-commerce Industry Association, the Macau Economic and Technologic Development Bureau (DSEDT) and Macau Newland Global Shopping on the launch. This new platform will facilitate the access of products from local small and medium companies to the Chinese market, reinforcing the potential of Macau-as-a-Platform for growing the social and economic development of China, Macau, Portugal and the Portuguese Speaking Countries. |
盛世集團將會全力支持澳門首個跨境電子商務平台「澳門廣場」- 一個由澳門跨境電子商務行業協會,澳門經濟技術發展局(DSEDT)支持和澳門新大陸全球購跨境電商有限公司推出的澳門商務平台。 這個新平台將促進本地中小企業的產品進入中國市場,增強澳門平台的潛力,促進中國、澳門、葡萄牙和葡語國家的社會和經濟發展。 |
Collaborating with this innovative Cross-border ecommerce Platform will reinforce the value of our sustainable business model and contribute to increasing the quality of life of the communities we serve. |
「盛世平台股份有限公司」在未來將會與「澳門廣場」進行緊密的跨境電子商務合作,加強我們對可持續商業模式的價值,並提高社區的生活質量。 |
Jornal Tribuna de Macau 澳門論壇日報 |
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The fifth instalment of “CESL Asia and Friends Sport Fun Day” raised over MOP100,000 in donations to support MSO’s incredible work that goes far beyond sports, driving consistent social change and social participation for people with intellectual disabilities. 第五屆「盛世之友運動同樂日」籌得善款超過澳門幣十萬元以支持澳門特殊奧運會為殘障人士提供社福服務,活動旨在藉體育運動加強特殊族群的社會參與感,持續推動社會共融。 |
This event is part of CESL Asia Social Investment Initiative and we are proud to see people with and without intellectual disabilities coming together in sport with enthusiasm, inspiration and impact showing what can be achieved by working together. 作為盛世社會發展計劃的一部分,我們非常自豪是次活動可以令人們充滿熱情相聚一堂、互相鼓勵,展示出不同群體共促交流合作。 |
- Macau Special Olympic Vice Chairman Mr. Shi (left) said, “I am very pleased and grateful about CESL Asia’s support over the years, for us to provide better assistance to disadvantaged groups, and to promote a culture of inclusion in the society.” - 澳門特殊奧運會副理事施博士先生﹙左一﹚表示再次感謝盛世集團多年來的支持幫助, 讓本會能提供更好的服務予服務使用者和發展共融運動。 |
We express our gratitude to all volunteers, as well as to all partners and sponsors that made “CESL Asia and Friends Sport Fun Day 2021” an inspiring and impactful event (listed in alphabetical order): Banco Comercial de Macau, Banco Nacional Ultramarino, Banco Tai Fung, Bank of China Macau Branch, Global Communications Advertising & Marketing Ltd., Jornal Tribuna de Macau, Macau Coca-Cola Beverage Co. Ltd., Macau Daily Times, Macau Institution of Engineers, Marsh Insurance Brokers (Macao), Limited., McDonald's Macau, MdME Lawyers, MGM, Montina Planning Co. Ltd., Philippine Consulate General in Macau SAR, PricewaterhouseCoopers and University of Saint Joseph. 我們真摯感謝當日所有的志願者、商業夥伴和贊助商,令2021盛世之友運動同樂日得以成功舉行,包括﹙按英文字母排序﹚:澳門商業銀行、大西洋銀行、大豐銀行、中國銀行澳門分行、寰宇宣傳推廣有限公司、澳門論壇日報、澳門可口可樂有限公司、澳門每日時報、澳門工程師學會、達信保險顧問(澳門)有限公司、澳門麥當勞、MdME Lawyers、美高梅、漫天華彩策劃有限公司、菲律賓駐澳門總領事館、羅兵咸永道會計師事務所及聖若瑟大學。 |
Together we grow Macau! 讓我們攜手並肩共創社區吧! |
CESL Asia was proud to be a main sponsor of the innovative 928 Startup Challenge that attracted 780 students, from 51 universities in 7 countries! CESL Asia will now provide one of the Chinese teams that participated in this competition the opportunity to do an internship at Monte do Pasto, in Portugal to learn about agricultural and livestock sustainability practices. The company, that is part of the CESL Asia group, is developing an innovative sustainable livestock and meat program in partnership with leading universities, funded by the European Union. This initiative demonstrates the role that Macau is playing in promoting the exchange of knowledge between China, the Portuguese-speaking countries and Europe, growing value for the territory and its communities! 盛世集團為作為928創業挑戰賽的主要贊助商而感到自豪,此項賽事吸引了780位來自7個國家及51所高等院校的學生參加。盛世集團也會提供一個實習機會予其中一支中國隊伍前往葡萄牙阿連特茹的Monte do Pasto農場,使學生在實踐中學習農業可持續性發展。作為盛世集團的一部分,Monte do Pasto農場受到歐盟資助,正和知名大學合作開發可持續性創新的畜牧項目。 活動成功舉辦再次印證了澳門是個跨域知識和訊息交流的重要平台。 |
This year Christmas, CESL Asia offered the gifts and wishes to the Macau Special Olympics Students at MSO's Complexo de Serviços Ngai Chun to promote the positive message of "Love, Sharing, and Caring", and to share the achievements of the company's innovative product - True Born Beef, the sustainable, premium and ethical beef from Portugal. Total number of 160 Beef Burgers are distributed to MSO students, and the group hopes that students can enjoy the healthy and delicious meat product as well as understand more about the key message of "sustainable meal can help to save the planet". 盛世集團於聖誕節前夕,特意前往澳門特殊奧運會毅進綜合服務中心為一眾學員送上節日禮物和祝福,藉此推動「愛與分享丶樂在關懷」的正面信息,並分享企業的創新發展成果 — True Born Beef,來自葡萄牙的可持續及高品質肉類產品。 是次集團合共送出了160份True Born純牛肉漢堡排,期望通過舉行分享活動,讓學員們享受健康美食之餘,亦能認識更多「以飲食方式改善地球環境」的重要訊息。 |
CESL Asia together with a group of employees and their families joined the meaningful fundraising annual event “Walk for a Million”, organized by the Charity Fund from the Readers of Macao Daily News, underlining the group's long-term commitment with Social Investment. During the past 21 years, through its CSII (CESL Asia Social Investment Initiative) annual program, the group actively invests in improving the community growth, inclusion and prosperity. 盛世集團一直以心為善惠澤社會,積極參與公益慈善活動,今年繼續支持由澳門日報讀者公益基金會主辦的年度慈善盛事公益金百萬行。除了捐款以外,盛世於活動當天組織了各部門員工及其親朋好友一同響應這項饒有意義的活動。 過去21年,盛世致力通過其社會發展計劃(CSII),積極投資於社區發展,建設繁榮包容的美好家園。 |
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