Solar power facilitates the clean energy transition. CESL Asia began investing in Solar Parks back in the 2010s and is now venturing into Agri-PV, providing an innovative solution to capitalize on synergies between solar energy and agriculture, thereby enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector.
Transforming food and agriculture systems to ensure sustainability, will provide access to healthy and nutritious foods, foster livelihoods for small-scale producers, and contribute to the protection of ecosystems and the fight against climate change. CESL Asia's agrifood brands, True Born Beef and Autentico Foods - Portuguese Cuisine, exemplify its commitment to promoting healthier lifestyles in Macau and the Greater Bay Area (GBA).
為確保可持續發展,糧食和農業系統作出轉型,小農生產者可從中收獲更健康且具營養價值的農產品,促進生計;同時生態系統亦得到保護以應對氣候變化。盛世集團的農產品品牌—「True Born Beef」及「Autentico Foods – Portuguese Cuisine」充分體現了可持續餐飲的理念,為澳門和大灣區推廣更健康的生活及飲食習慣提供助力。
Advanced technologies are critical to stopping climate change and decarbonisation, and the push to develop and scale them is accelerating. CESL Asia has been developing in-house data-based technological solutions (Ortux).
先進技術在阻止氣候變化及推動脫碳起至關重要的作用,這些技術的開發和規模正隨時代發展越演激烈。盛世集團亦緊隨步伐,積極開發一款創新的數據技術解決方案 Ortux,致力為未來創造更美好的生活環境。
As CESL Asia enters a new era, our commitment grows stronger. We're devoted to creating a greater positive impact by reinforcing international strategic partnerships, such as the ones we've established with the EREN Group and DELC, to manage innovative projects that integrate the latest emerging AI technologies. Concurrently, we are reinforcing our expertise in ESG and sustainability management practices.
The CESL Asia team enjoyed a unique painting experience! This is one of our 35th Anniversary celebration events, aimed at encouraging teamwork and promoting cultural diversity. During the activity, each colleague independently completed their own painting, which was ultimately merged into a beautiful large-scale acrylic painting. Every participant enjoyed the pleasant art atmosphere and had fun!
CESL Asia, a pioneering force in critical operations management, proudly maintained an unbroken 15-year presence at the Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition (MIECF 2023), held from August 17th to 20th. Alongside a diverse group of 400+ companies and organizations, CESL Asia showcased its latest sustainable environmental solutions, demonstrating its commitment to advancing environmental goals and fostering positive outcomes at the event.
盛世集團連續十五年參與澳門國際環保合作發展論壇及展覽(MIECF 2023),由8月17日至20日一連四日展示我們在可持續發展方面的傑出成就,同場與400多家來自世界各地的參展商同場展示創新的環保解決方案,取得積極成效。
The exhibition featured the spotlight on Ortux, an intelligent platform developed by CESL Asia's subsidiary, FOCUS. Ortux is a dynamic platform for people, asset, and resource management, prioritizing practicality, reliability, security, and user-friendliness. It enhances communication, operational efficiency, and generates cost savings, contributing to positive impacts on Macau's environment, society and economy.
Ortux’s journey is also characterized by ongoing refinement, achieved through continuous core database improvements, information updates, and its embracement of the new era of Artificial Intelligence [A.I.]. Ortux working in conjunction with our partner’s A.I. module assists businesses in achieving higher energy efficiency, leading to energy savings, emission reduction, and efficient resource utilization. In alignment with China's ambitious environmental objectives - reaching the peak of carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 – Ortux plus A.I. emerges as a powerful ally.
We are thrilled to announce that CESL Asia's subsidiary, Macau Professional Services, Limited (MPS), has taken on the crucial role of supervising the "Design and Construction Contract for the Southern Section of the Eastern Line of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) network in Macau". This collaboration with Guangdong Zhongong Project Management Co, Ltd a state-owned enterprise of Poly Developments and Holdings Group Co., Ltd, signifies a significant milestone in Macau's infrastructure development. Our management team recently embarked on a productive business delegation to Guangdong Zhongong Project Management Co, Ltd, reinforcing our commitment to ensuring the quality and impact of this project.
盛世集團子公司澳門專業顧問有限公司(MPS) 很榮幸擔任「輕軌東線南段設計連建造工程」的監理單位,與隸屬於央企保利發展控股集團股份有限公司的廣東重工建設監理有限公司攜手合作。近日,盛世集團一眾管理層赴廣東重工建設監理有限公司進行商務訪問,雙方非常重視項目的安全和交付質量,將實施嚴格的控制和監督以確保項目順利完成。
As an international expert services platform, CESL Asia is deeply committed to nurturing local talent in Macau. Through this partnership, we provide opportunities for technical exchange and collaboration, allowing local top professionals to tap into cutting-edge technology and advanced solutions. This will undoubtedly enhance their skills, knowledge, and competitive edge, contributing to Macau's economic and social development.
The collaboration with CESL Asia aims to provide management and technical support to smoothly implement our Mainland partner's expertise and knowledge in this highly technical challenge in Macau, ensuring all meet professional services industry best practices, Macau construction and professional services legislation as well as tunnel and railway construction best practices. Together, we are dedicated to delivering excellence, making a meaningful contribution to Macau's quality of life, and exploring new cooperative opportunities to create exceptional projects.
Monte do Pasto, a subsidiary of CESL Asia dedicated to sustainable agriculture and agrifoods, attended the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Europe Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference, which was jointly organized by the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, Invest Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, and the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute.
盛世集團的可持續農業子公司Monte do Pasto,日前受邀出席由廣東省商務廳、香港特別行政區政府投資推廣署、澳門貿易投資促進局合辦的「粵港澳大灣區—歐洲經貿合作交流會」。
This event aimed to highlight the vast business opportunities arising from the Greater Bay Area development for European companies, invite participants to engage in in-depth exchanges with representatives from the Greater Bay Area, and explore bilateral economic and trade exchanges.
Monte do Pasto was part of the mission promoted by the European Union and the Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, who visited Japan from 2nd to 6th of July. The mission included a business delegation of senior representatives of the agri-food sector of the European Union. This high-level mission aimed to promote European agri-food products and identify business opportunities. Monte do Pasto was able to present its premium meat brand for Retail True Born Beef, and its new range Autentico Foods for food service.
盛世集團子公司Monte do Pasto代表受邀與歐盟農業發展專員Janusz Wojciechowski為首的高級農業食品訪問團於7月2日至6日到訪日本,開展一系列交流活動。活動旨在推廣歐洲農業食品和尋找嶄新的商業機遇。交流會上Monte do Pasto展示了其零售產品—可持續肉類品牌 True Born Beef 及最新的餐飲系列 Autentico Foods。
On 23rd September, we gathered for the CESL Asia Social Investment Initiative (CSII) - Blood Donor Day. Under the esteemed leadership of Mr. António Trindade, the President and CEO of CESL Asia, a committed group of volunteers had gathered at the Macau Blood Transfusion Service Centre, driven by a shared mission: to donate blood.
9月23日是我們的「盛世社會發展計劃」- 捐血日!為提倡捐血助人及傳揚關愛的精神,盛世集團董事局主席及行政總裁田達德先生帶領義工團隊前往澳門捐血中心挽袖獻血。
As CESL Asia commemorates its 35th Anniversary, our enduring dedication to advancing community welfare resonates more profoundly than ever before. The blood donation event stands as a regular activity within the CSII Program. We express our gratitude to the enthusiastic participation of the passionate volunteers!
CESL Asia's Student Learning Program spanned two weeks, starting on 17th July, and brought together a group of students from different universities, including Macau, Hong Kong, UK and Canada. The program aimed to provide participants with a firsthand understanding of company operations and the functions of multiple departments within CESL Asia Corporate Shared Service Team.
During the program, students actively engaged in interactive sessions, presentations, and discussions, forming the core of their learning experience. This training enabled them to acquire valuable knowledge and skills crucial for their academic and professional development. The program fostered critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, empowering students with practical skills applicable to real-world situations.