Over the last 35 years, CESL Asia has become a leading player in the economic and social development of Macau. During this journey, the firm has played a critical role in shaping the city's transformation into a modern, sustainable metropolis and a thriving hub. Through its subsidiaries, MPS and FOCUS, CESL Asia has pioneered sustainable infrastructure development and has been operating some of the most crucial public and private infrastructures in the region.
盛世集團在過去35年持續引領澳門社會和經濟發展,在澳門現代化轉型,成為可持續發展大都會、國際繁盛樞紐的進程發揮了關鍵作用。盛世集團透過子公司澳門專業顧問及盛世設施管理開創可持續基礎設施發展,為澳門各大公共和私營基礎設施提供高效運營服務。 |
With more than 400 innovative and passionate employees, CESL Asia has become much more than just a company; it has become a force for positive change. |
盛世集團不僅僅是一家土生土長的本地公司,也是由400多名遠見卓識、創新求變的人才組成的專業團隊。 |
Its FOCUS Platform is bridging Macau, China, and Europe through Portugal, providing innovative platform-based solutions that attract and manage flows of talent and capital, empowering its clients to tap into new opportunities and grow their businesses. As Macau seeks to diversify its key economic activities, CESL Asia is poised to play a crucial role in this process. By connecting with other geographies, the company can unlock a multitude of business opportunities and leverage its position as a strategic player in the region. |
盛世平台透過創新的解決方案連結澳門、中國、歐洲以及葡萄牙,憑藉優秀的人才和資源調度能力,助力客戶掌握新業務發展商機。澳門經濟著重多元發展,未來和其他市場的對接將開拓無限機遇,盛世集團作為行業領軍者,將在這進程發揮關鍵作用。 |
As Mr. António Trindade, President and CEO of CESL Asia states the company’s strategy and business legacy will play a fundamental role in its future success: |
正如盛世集團董事局主席及行政總裁田達德指出,盛世集團建立的戰略和商業模式是邁向成功的關鍵: |
CESL Asia's top management attended a seminar
on gaming concession presented by Dr. Wilfred Wong,
President and Executive Director of Sands China Ltd. |
王英偉博士主講之研討會 |
On 30th March, CESL Asia President and CEO Mr. Antonio Trindade (the third from the right) led the management team, including CFO Ms. Pamela Chow (the rightmost) , COO, Executive Director of Energy and Technical Assets Mr. Roland Schoorl (the second from the right) and Principal Director of MPS Mr. Keith Buckley (the center) to attend an informative seminar on “Gaming Concession and The Way Forward” presented by Dr. Wilfred Wong, President and Executive Director of Sands China Ltd. The event provided valuable insights into the gaming industry and its future. Participants appreciated the opportunity to attend and learn from such a respected leader in the field. |
3月30日,盛世集團董事局主席及行政總裁田達德先生(右三)帶領管理層包括財務總裁周望萍女士(右一)、營運總監,能源及技術資產行政總監舒羅蘭先生(右二)及澳門專業顧問首席總監紀百利先生(中間)出席由金沙中國有限公司總裁兼執行董事王英偉博士主講的“博彩特許經營及前景展望”研討會。活動分享博彩行業的當前市場環境和未來發展趨勢,為與會者帶來深層次的啟示和拓展視野。 |
CESL Asia’s Monte do Pasto hosts high-level
Portuguese and Chinese delegation to discuss
agricultural, energy and logistics cooperation |
盛世集團子公司 Monte do Pasto接待由葡萄牙和
能源和物流的合作機會 |
CESL Asia's Monte do Pasto, sustainable agriculture subsidiary in Portugal, hosted a high-level Portuguese and Chinese delegation on March 23, 2023, to discuss agricultural, energy, and logistics cooperation. The delegation included Portuguese Minister of Territorial Cohesion Ana Abrunhosa, Chinese Ambassador Zhao Bentang, and Secretary of State for Regional Development Isabel Ferreira, who aimed to explore economic opportunities in the agri-food sector between Portugal and Macau, promoting the innovation and export potential of Portuguese agriculture and cutting-edge solutions such as Agrivoltaico (AgroPV). |
盛世集團在葡萄牙的可持續農業子公司Monte do Pasto在2023 年 3 月 23 日接待由葡萄牙和中國官員組成的代表團, 包括葡萄牙國土融合部長Ana Abrunhosa、中國駐葡大使趙本堂和葡萄牙區域發展國務秘書Isabel Ferreira的到訪,共同探索葡萄牙與澳門之間的經貿機遇,重點探討葡萄牙農業的出口潛力、創新的農業光伏技術解決方案Agrivoltaico (AgroPV) 等。 |
The delegation was also at Beja International Airport, with the Portuguese Minister of Infrastructures João Galamba, where it had the opportunity to discuss the potential of the airport as a hub in Western Europe for Chinese logistics and air cargo operators. Beja Airport, in coordination with the Macau or Zhuhai Airports, could be developed as the missing international logistic hub for the Macau (Zhuhai or Hengqin) - Portugal Platform. This platform could provide air cargo logistics services for the Greater Bay Area economy to access the European, Portuguese Speaking Countries and other Emerging Markets and for these markets to reach the GBA and the South Asia Markets. Combined with the maritime logistic capacity of Port of Sines, it would drastically save logistic costs and reduce lead times for e-commerce customers. |
代表團與葡萄牙基礎設施部長João Galamba一同參觀了貝雅國際機場,討論把機場打造成協助中國物流和航空營運商進入西歐的中轉樞紐的可能性。貝雅機場可與澳門或珠海機場協調合作,成為澳門(珠海或橫琴)至葡萄牙之間所缺失的物流交滙平台。這個平台可為粵港澳大灣區提供通往歐洲、葡語系國家和其他新興市場的航空運輸服務,相對地這些市場亦能進入大灣區和南亞市場。與此同時,結合錫尼什港口的海運物流,將為電子商務客戶大幅節省物流成本並縮短交貨時間。 |
During the visit, the delegation toured Monte do Pasto to see how it creates value by developing sustainable and premium-quality agri-food products such as the True Born meat brand, certified from "Farm to Plate," which is already available in Macau and Hong Kong. The visit also emphasized the importance of accelerating the realization of the protocol for exporting Portuguese beef and sheep meat to China and other markets in the region. |
代表團還了解到集團研發和自家生產的可持續和優質農產品True Born 肉類品牌。該品牌獲得「從產地到餐桌」的認證,並已打進澳門和香港市場。 此次訪問還強調加快實現將葡萄牙牛肉和羊肉出口至中國和其他市場之協定。 |
António Trindade interviewed by
JTM about social impact investment |
田達德先生談影響力投資 —《澳門論壇日報》 報章採訪 |
António Trindade, President and CEO of CESL Asia reinforced the importance of social impact investment for the success of companies in the interview with JTM in the context of the national Common Prosperity Initiative of China. |
盛世集團董事局主席及行政總裁田達德先生接受《澳門論壇日報》訪問,指出在中國倡議共同富裕的背景下,企業邁向成功的關鍵在於對社會的「影響力投資」。 |
Since its foundation 35 years ago, the company's strategy has been based on the principles of sustainability and business relevance that have proven to be fundamental to its success. CESL Asia pioneering Social Investment Charter of December 2000, the guide for its CESL Asia Social Investment Initiatives (CSII) program, reinforced the strong commitment towards this vision. |
今年是盛世集團成立35週年,我們一直以「可持續發展」為戰略原則建立成功而具影響力的商業模式。並自2000年12月基於「悉心共樹新城市」此開創性願景,毅然成立「盛世社會發展計劃」,與不同合作夥伴展開各類社會投資項目。 |
Our successful “Impact Investment” business model is also based on constant innovation and teamwork, from our customers, suppliers and employees, so that the investment has a return. |
我們的商業模式之所以成功,有賴於過往與盛世集團合作無間的商業夥伴、客戶、供應商和員工的嶄新思維以及團隊合作精神,從而使投資獲得回報。 |
Perler Beads Workshop
A day of creativity and team bonding |
A group of CESL Asia colleagues and their families paid a visit to the Macau Special Olympics’ (MSO) Complexo de Serviços Ngai Chun and participated the "Perler Beads Workshop". Being as workshop teachers, the MSO students who interacted with and assisted the participants to create some colourful perler bead products. Everyone was having a fun filled day: Inclusion Wins, Creative Together! |
盛世集團一眾員工與其家人一起拜訪澳門特殊奧運會附屬的毅進綜合服務中心,感謝特殊奧運為集團員工安排參與「共融拼豆坊」,設計和製作精巧细致的拼豆飾物。由特奧學員擔任導師協助參加者創作出七彩繽紛的拼豆藝術,享受手作樂趣的同時,也推動了平等共融,關懷互助的理念,實現互惠共贏。 |
CESL Asia participated in the video
"A Date With MSO" |
CESL Asia is honored to be invited by Macau Special Olympics (MSO) to shoot a video themed on “Food” to review the memorable moments of the partnership. Mr. António Trindade, President and CEO of CESL Asia, also prepared the healthy and sustainable ethical True Born Beef for MSO athletes, in order to replenish their energy. Meanwhile, the athletes also shared their learning stories with him, and they had a lot of enjoyment! |
盛世集團很榮幸獲澳門特殊奧運會邀請拍攝以「食」為主題的影片,回顧彼此合作無間的歡樂時光。集團董事局主席及行政總裁田達德先生更為特奧運動員即席烹調 True Born Beef Macau牛肉—健康可持續肉類產品,讓他們補充能量,同時運動員亦分享了他們不屈不撓的成長故事,場面溫馨又歡樂。 |
The idea of "A Date With MSO" is to present the values of the 35th anniversary of MSO, through an invitation to like-minded partners who share great stories together with the MSO athletes during the happy meal. |
製作《特奧有約》的理念是藉著特奧會35週年,邀請特奧志同道合的機構伙伴與特奧代表一起用膳,透過食物帶出每個人之間不同的故事。 |