Macau should take advantage of what it has learnt while building one of the strongest gambling sectors in the world in which it has absorbed billions in foreign investment and built millions of square meters of the most sophisticated buildings in the world and designed the most advanced services, in terms of technology, energy or catering.
Macau must capitalize on this experience and develop a plan to attract companies from China, Portugal, Europe, the PSC or other, with the capacity to develop and place on international markets competitive solutions and services for other sectors.
Regarding the Greater Bay Area Macau needs to accelerate the creation of specific relationships between China and Portugal and promote the ideal investment environment for Chinese and international companies. Attracting new investment involves providing guarantees to companies that it is from Macau that they will have access to high-value international markets, capital and financing and know-how. It also involves providing visibility in terms of the infrastructure, taxes, financing and how the imports and exports will be made in the special cooperation zone of Hengqin.
It also must be made clear which are the sectors with the greatest potential for leveraging the combined business expertise and multicultural experience that Macau holds. There are many solutions that already exist in the perspective of the CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement) agreement that only need to be adapted to produce strong incentives to create a large-scale economy in sectors like in the agri-foods sector (meat, olive oil and others) that could drive value creation.
此外,篩選出具潛力和潮流的行業相當重要,此舉可更好地讓相關行業與澳門的綜合商業知識和多元文化經驗結合 。從 CEPA《更緊密經貿關係的安排》協議中,已存在許多解決方案,加以運用便能有效地激勵具規模、高價值的行業投入市場,如農業及食品行業(肉類、橄欖油等)