| Setting the Stage for a New Era of Growing MPS 新階段 新格局 薪火相傳再出發 |
| | CESL Asia Wins the MECC Award for EuroExcellence in Innovation in 2015 & 2021 盛世於2015年及2021年榮獲歐洲商會創新卓越獎 |
| | CESL Asia Donates over MOP100,000 to Support Flood Relief in Zhengzhou 盛世捐款十萬馳援鄭州抗洪救災 |
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The pandemic struck the world economy with a huge shock and the certainty that going forward, and the models of social-economic development of Macau (and the world) will be much different from the development model of the last decades. This gave CESL Asia the renewed urgency to identify new opportunities, adjust focus to emphasize the development of personal traits of our team members, align it with company purpose and values as well as improve management, professional knowledge and skills of employees, looking ahead to put our business in an advantageous position for recovery. The restructuring of MPS include a new strategic focus, new organizational structure and a new leadership style, more focus on comprehensive and higher-value services. In addition, a mission to develop our people's professional and leadership know-how is part of the new direction of MPS, aiming closer to capturing new opportunities with an innovative mindset to create additional value for our colleagues, clients and communities. 新冠疫情對全球經濟帶來嚴重衝擊,澳門乃至整個世界的經濟和社會發展模式無疑會有歷史性轉變。儘管如此,盛世集團一直聚焦機遇,適當地調整發展策略。我司一直專注培育人才,提升員工專業技能,本年更重點強化和培訓管理人員的領導能力,使其緊密契合公司之價值觀和願景。展望未來,我們的業務發展處於相當有利位置,一切已為經濟復甦做好準備。 MPS新領導模式和架構重組是調整營商策略的最重要舉措之一,矢志以新思維捕捉新機會,為我們的同事、客戶我們的社區持續創造高價值、高質素和專業的服務。 |
Project Highlights 項目亮點 - Construction Consultancy and Supervision- Fourth Macau-Taipa bridge
澳氹第四條跨海大橋工程監察 - Construction Consultancy - Lisboeta Macau
澳門葡京人工程指導 - Construction Consultancy - Coloane CN5a public housing project
石排灣公共房屋CN5a地段社會設施裝修工程指導 - Construction Supervision - Escola Primária Oficial Luso-Chinesa “Sir Robert Ho Tung” multifunctional stadium and new building
Supreme Loyalty with Grateful Heart to My “Big Family” 歲月流淌 知恩感懷 |
Thirty years ago, I witnessed the growth of MPS, from a small team to a leading company with strong competitiveness in the industry. The people-oriented and innovation-oriented culture of CESL Asia has been a driving force of our business success. As a leader when working with teams, I implement my work creed: efficiency, innovation and rigour. I also encourage people to continuously acquire more knowledge, and expose them to a variety of work experiences from giving them the opportunity to see the "big picture", to participate in supervising project meetings, to meet important government officials, customers, owners, and so on.
I have long regarded our company as a lovely and committed big family. My mission is to lead the team towards the most outstanding performance. 三十年來,我見證公司發展,由數十人發展成數百人的團隊、由小規模發展成業界具強大競爭力的企業。盛世集團以人為本的企業文化使我們獲益很多,同樣員工在公司這個大家庭裡也感覺有依靠。 教導下屬時,本人秉持的工作信條:高效、創新、嚴謹。我亦鼓勵他們多學習多見識,例如給予他們見識「大場面」的機會,包括監理項目的會議,會見重要政府官員、客戶、業主,投標準備等等。
Project Highlights 項目亮點 - Project Management - IKEA Macau new store
澳門宜家家居及其咖啡室裝修工程項目管理 - Plumbing and Drainage Design - Macau Polytechnic Institute (Headquarter) – new library and car park
澳門理工學院總部新圖書館及辦公樓連公共停車場興建工程供排水系統設計 - Technical Director and Plumbing and Drainage Design - The University of Saint Joseph (Macao) in Ilha Verde and Colégio Diocesano de São José
聖若瑟大學青洲校舍及聖若瑟教區中學技術指導、基礎、結構及供排水系統設計 - Construction Consultancy, Supervision and Design - Macau Olympic complex, multi-purpose zone car park , and indoor badminton zone
Moving Ahead as One to Provide Superior Service 革新凝智慧 服務全方位 |
During the pandemic period, MPS was able to capture new business including 4 Large-scale Integrated Resort projects; 3 Major Government Construction Management projects and dozens of medium-sized projects, that made me so proud! With our new organizational structure in place, first, we focused on improving our management model in order to respond to the high-quality standards demand of the market, as well as, we invested in developing our teams to its fullest potential in different areas. We are proud we achieved our goal to provide our clients with a seamless one-stop shop for top-notch technical and Professional Architecture-Engineering-Planning (AEP) Services. Second, we reinforced our culture of rigour and certification by strictly following and integrating the standard requirements of the most advanced management system, and learn from work experience. In addition, we invested in talent development making sure our engineers were able to diversify their competencies and grow rapidly as they have the opportunity to get involved in significant projects. 在全球經濟增長放緩下,MPS仍以穩固的實力取得四項大型綜合度假村項目、三項政府重大建設項目及數十個中小型項目,令人鼓舞和自豪。 重整架構後,我會把集中焦點於管理模式的調整,對外迎合市場的高需求,對內則令我們團隊更有凝聚力,創造更多的可能:第一,訂立一個清晰的發展計劃,矢志提供最全面的一站式專業工程技術服務(包括但不限於規劃、建築設計、機電、土木、結構和供排水工程設計、法律諮詢、專案、合同管理及建設監理等);第二,嚴格遵從和整合管理體系的標準要求,把過往與國際公司合作及嚴謹的工作經驗應用到其他工作中定必事半功倍;第三,知人善任的人才管理方針,清晰劃分職位分工,並讓年輕工程師有機會擔當重任,快速成長,並且栽培他們多元發展,使團隊高效且高水準達成任何項目。
Project Highlights 項目亮點 - Construction Consultancy and Supervision- Fourth Macau-Taipa bridge
澳氹第四條跨海大橋工程監察 - Architectural and Structural Design- Habitação Pública No Seac Pai Van Lote CN6d Equipamentos De Saúde E Cuidado A Idosos
石排灣公共房屋 CN6d 地段衛生及護老設施建築及結構設計 - Design of Superstructure and Piled Foundation- Zipline Macau of Lisboeta Macau
澳門葡京人「澳門飛索」設計 - Site Inspection- Macau-HongKong-Zhuhai Bridge Macau Port
Focus in Delighting Our Clients as Our Mission 創造利潤 以客為先 |
MPS has always been recognized by the government, clients and business partners as a top player in the professional field of engineering consultancy. As one of them, I am proud of it. Having been with MPS for decades, I have always adhered to its core philosophy of "creating profits for the company and creating value for customers". Along the way, a sense of mission, accomplishment and a sense of belonging to the company have accompanied me to this day. Looking into the future, I look forward to using the company's huge advantages as a Sino-Portuguese platform to strive for more different public and private bids, build communities and improve the quality of life of residents. MPS在工程顧問的專業領域上獲得政府及社會各界認同和肯定,我身為其中一份子,與有榮焉。 投身MPS數十載,我一直秉持「為公司創造利潤、為客戶創造價值」的核心理念,沿路上,使命感、成就感和公司歸屬感伴我走到今天。 放眼未來,期待與圑隊利用公司作為中葡平台的巨大優勢,爭取更多不同公營和私營標案,建設社區並提升居民生活質素。 |
CESL Asia's clean energy project was selected as a best practice and showcased in the Urban Innovation Chain Cooperation Forum at the Nanjing Tech Week 2021, a major event to showcase and discuss innovation and new technology that is improving operational efficiency and sustainability and supporting the growth of smart cities and higher quality of life. For CESL Asia, this recognition validates the innovative work that the company has been doing for the sustainable development of the city of the communities we serve in Macau and Portugal, an appreciated recognition of the work and contributions of our teams in FOCUS, MPS and Monte do Pasto and how they have been embracing and applying knowledge and technologies to improve the living standards of its citizens. |
盛世集團的清潔能源項目榮獲2021年度T20全球創新案例,並在南京創新週上的T20國際城市創新鏈合作論壇上展示。此論壇旨在共同交流如何利用創新和科技提高城市運營效率、促進可持續發展、共建智慧城市並從而提高人們的生活品質。 是次獎項肯定了盛世集團為澳門及葡萄牙社區的可持續發展所作出的努力,同時也對集團的子公司FOCUS、MPS 和 Monte do Pasto團隊最大的勉勵,體現出集團上下如何利用創新的思維和領先技術來提高社區居民的生活水平和品質。 |
CESL Asia received the MECC Award for EuroExcellence in Innovation 2021 by the Macau European Chamber of Commerce, for the second time in 6 years. This award celebrates the contributions of local businesses that offer a consistently high level of quality and service for the long-term benefit of Macau and contribute to growing economic opportunities in both Macau and the Greater Bay Area, helping to create a world-class platform for Europe-Macau-China trade and cooperation. |
盛世集團堅持不懈地投資和發展可持續商業解決方案和產品,繼 2015 年首奪殊榮後,今年再度榮獲澳門歐洲商會頒發「澳門歐洲商會創新卓越獎」。該獎項旨在表彰本地企業為澳門的長期利益提供始終如一的高品質服務,建設世界級的歐洲—澳門—中國貿易合作平台,為澳門和大灣區擴展經濟機會作出貢獻。 |
In 2021 we were recognized for our investment in developing sustainable business solutions and products, and the launch of two sustainability-based projects: ORTUX, a digital asset management platform, an internal development, and True Born, a sustainable premium beef brand from Monte do Pasto, Portugal. Our innovation is seeded and has grown with the purpose of growing together with our communities and business partners. The teams in Macau and Portugal felt really encouraged and inspired that their work has an impact on the development of our communities in China, Macau and Portugal.
今年,集團憑藉高價值的可持續解決方案和產品再度獲得澳門歐洲商會的認可,包括推出了兩項可持續發展的商業項目:由內部專業團隊開發的資產管理平台—Ortux ,以及來自葡萄牙農場Monte do Pasto 的可持續優質牛肉品牌—True Born。 創新是集團發展的基石,通過與我們的社區和合作夥伴攜手,共同開拓更多發展機會。是次獲獎讓澳門及葡萄牙的團隊感到非常榮幸和鼓舞,並為中國、澳門和葡萄牙產生積極的社會及經濟影響而感到自豪。 |
CESL Asia is honored to be collaborating with The St. Regis Macao in its innovative and acclaimed “Sustainability” six-course menu that is now on offer at The Manor, The St. Regis Hotel at The Londoner Resort in Macau! True Born Beef — the new premium sustainable beef from our subsidiary Monte do Pasto, in Portugal — was chosen by Celebrate The Manor’s Executive Sous Chef Michele Dell ’Aquila to integrate this innovative menu that highlights True Born Beef Tenderloin, Tomahawk and Sirloin. |
盛世集團非常榮幸與澳門瑞吉酒店合作,推出創新而精緻的「臻享可持續之味」 菜單,此六道菜晚膳套餐已於澳門倫敦人度假村 - 瑞吉酒店內「雅舍」餐廳隆重登場。 「雅舍」的行政助理總廚Michele Dell' Aquila精選盛世集團旗下葡萄牙畜牧品牌Monte do Pasto所生產的可持續優質牛肉True Born Beef,包括True Born牛里脊肉、戰斧扒和西冷牛扒,成就出美饌饗宴。
| True Born Beef, born on “farm to fork” principles comes with the mission to inspire sustainable eating in Macau. True Born Beef是一個極為創新的「從農場到餐桌」的優質肉類品牌,其使命是激發澳門的可持續飲食。 |
Photo by Tasting Kitchen (TK) Magazine 照片由Tasting Kitchen (TK) 雜誌提供 |
Open-air breeding, animal welfare, a perfect blend of the best Europeans breeds, cut design, maturation and deep freezing, are the secrets to True Born tasty, juicy, tender and nutritious beef. The respect for the environment and animal welfare is a foundational value of True Born to combine an exquisite dining experience with a sense of eating right by caring for the planet and its resources. CESL Asia has been able to build a culture of sustainability and has demonstrated the value of sustainable business models and impactful investments for over 30 years.
True Born Beef生產過程經過嚴格監控,應用創新科技及可持續管理模式飼養肉牛像露天養殖、歐洲最佳品種結合,並採用超冷凍真空包裝技術提高食品安全, 並鎖緊牛肉風味及各種營養元素,完美的切法和恰到好處的份量,成就簡單而美味的食物。 過去三十年來,盛世集團致力於創造及推廣健康、環保的飲食和生活方式,希望藉此提高澳門居民的生活品質。 |
For sustainable eating True Born Beef at home please scan below QR code for information of retails and online stores that offer in a large variety of premium chef cuts: Filet Mignon, Entrecôte (Ribeye), Chuletón (Bone-in Ribeye), T-Bone, Flat Iron and gourmet Beefburgers. Meanwhile, True Born Beef was also launched in Portugal at the leading retail chain: Continente. 想在家中享用 True Born Beef 可掃瞄以下二維碼並查詢零售店和網上商店的資料,店內提供各種優質牛排選擇,如:菲力牛排、肉眼排、連骨肉眼排、丁字骨牛排、柔肩肉排和牛肉漢堡。此外,True Born Beef 同時也在葡萄牙最大型的連鎖超級市場Continente有售。 |
This certification, from AGRICERT, proves the carbon neutrality of the extensive cattle breeding activity of Monte do Pasto, as the result of the implementation of best practices in animal husbandry, soil care, efficient use of energy and preservation of the Alentejo cork oak ecosystem. It showcases Monte do Pasto's commitment to sustainability and future generations, through its integrated breeding model, supported by technology and qualified teams, and focused on the best animal welfare practices, nature protection, and quality of life of the communities. |
獲得這項來自葡萄牙 AGRICERT 的認證殊榮,證明 Monte do Pasto農場在牧養牛隻時,運用極其遼闊的空間及節能減排等形式達至「碳中和」標準。這無疑對我們執行「可持續畜牧」成效的最佳肯定,優質成效包括:土壤護理、能源利用、阿連特茹地區栓皮櫟樹和軟木橡樹生態系統的保育等。 認證體現出Monte do Pasto 對可持續未來的承諾和擔當:運用綜合育種模式、特設專家團隊配合高科技提供一切所需支援、專注實踐最佳的動物福利、自然保護和社區生活質量。 |
True Born Beef it’s perfect premium sustainable beef was launched this year in Macau. It can be found at a selection of retail stores and enjoyed in signature dishes on the “Celebrate Sustainability” menu at “The Manor”. 今年,由農場生產的可持續優質牛肉True Born Beef登陸澳門並於各大零售店有售。近來「雅舍」餐廳的「臻享可持續之味」菜單上亦可找到True Born Beef菜式,有興趣的您不能錯過。 |
| Jornal Tribuna de Macau 澳門論壇日報 |
| CESL Asia and its staff together donated money to help flood-struck China’s Henan province to support the reconstruction work through the Macau Red Cross. Giving back to the community is at the heart of CESL Asia business and of our CSII (CESL Asia Social Investment Initiative). Our staff gets involved every year in a variety of initiatives focused on supporting communities to thrive and prosper. We hereby extend our best wishes to all the communities, people and businesses in the province and hope they can resume normal daily lives as soon as possible. 在八月,盛世集團及員工們一起透過澳門紅十字會向河南水災捐款,冀為當地抗洪救災及災後重建工作提供支援。 「回饋社會、永續發展」一直是盛世集團核心理念及盛世社會發展計劃(CSII)的宗旨,集團每年均通過該計劃舉辦及參與各項社區活動,以促進社區的多元化發展。 盛世集團藉此向河南省社區、人民及企業致以誠摯的祝福,盼望能盡快恢復正常的生活秩序。 |
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